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The Global Voice Podcasts

How to subscribe to The Attitude Test podcast

For podcatchers like Juice or the Accessible Podcatcher
For ITunes

For Podcatchers like Juice or The Accessible Podcatcher

To subscribe to The Attitude Test podcast, simply add the following information to your RSS/podcatcher software, as a new feed and you're set to go!

For ITunes

To subscribe to The Attitude Test podcast using ITunes, do the following:

1. Copy the following line of text to the clipboard.

2. go to the ITunes window and press the alt key to bring up the "File" menu.

3. Down arrow to "Subscribe To Podcast" and press "Enter".

4. Paste the line of text you copied to the clipboard in step 1 into the edit box.

5. Tab to the OK button and press enter. That's it, You're subscribed.

How to subscribe to The Paralympics podcast

For podcatchers like Juice or the Accessible Podcatcher
For ITunes

For Podcatchers like Juice or The Accessible Podcatcher

To subscribe to The Paralympics podcast, simply add the following information to your RSS/podcatcher software, as a new feed and you're set to go!

For ITunes

To subscribe to The Paralympics podcast using ITunes, do the following:

1. Copy the following line of text to the clipboard.

2. go to the ITunes window and press the alt key to bring up the "File" menu.

3. Down arrow to "Subscribe To Podcast" and press "Enter".

4. Paste the line of text you copied to the clipboard in step 1 into the edit box.

5. Tab to the OK button and press enter. That's it, You're subscribed.

Thanks for listening

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Last updated 15 August 2021

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